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Stretch Quotes

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I’ve seen women afraid to stretch for things. They avoid opportunities they don’t feel qualified for yet. Instead, they should grab risky opportunities that will force them to grow on the job and learn to do it.  (Stretch Quotes) I don’t want to develop a personality, just cut my face! Stretch it and staple it. Now I’m happy, or at least I look like it.  (Stretch Quotes) Happy indeed is the naturalist: to him the seasons come round like old friends; to him the birds sing: as he walks along, the flowers stretch out from the hedges, or look up from the ground, and as each year fades away, he looks back on a fresh store of happy memories.  (Stretch Quotes) I don’t think anything good is happening. I think we’re paying the price for it. I think while crime in general is going down, youth crime is going up. I think mental health problems of the youth are going up. You can’t show causality. It’s a hard stretch.  (Stretch Quotes) When I get ready for a high-profile event, it’s really about sleep and making sure I’m eating something healthy, and then it’s always important to stretch to stay limber. No matter what, you want to feel as loose as possible, because it’s easy to get full of excitement or tension with all that’s going on.  (Stretch Quotes)
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